Last week we caught up with our new Head of Skills & Learning, Nick Thow, so we could share with you a bit more about him and his role within H1 Learning.
Do you have a nickname around the office?
If I do, it probably relates to me talking incessantly.
Tea or Coffee?
Tea if I have the choice.
Do you have any unusual skills/Party tricks?
I make a mean tiramisu.
What’s your favourite Snack?
Very dark chocolate, closely followed by cheese.
Dogs or Cats?
Both, but if I have to choose, cats. Hettie would be very cross were I to say otherwise.
Any plans for your next holiday?
Interesting question given the past year or so. A weekend away in a caravan in the green, ideally near the water, would be perfect.
When did your H1 Journey begin?
I started on 1st February this year, but had been speaking to Sam about the role since mid-November so have felt part of things from then.
What's your typical day like?
My team consists of me for now (to change on 3rd May). 15 or so minutes clearing emails (“Inbox Zero...”), always a bit of planning and then most likely on to calls & chats. I always get away from the (home office) desk for a walk at lunchtime, then more of the same and ideally another walk when I switch the laptop off.
You're in Learning & Skills, why is it so important to H1? Learning & Skills is brand new, and supports all of our fantastic staff across H1. We’ll be building on that and making sure that not only do we attract new staff, but we also help everyone who’s here develop and feel supported by being able to easily access the raining which will most benefit them. We’re also working with external/freelance trainers to help them sell training via Qintil, which will help us to grow the H1 Learning brand and bring more revenue in.
What’s absolutely brand new is our Kickstart employability programme. Quite simply we want to take young people on placements, using Government funding, and if things go well bring them into the H1 family when the placement finishes. We all know that we don’t have as many people in the healthcare sector as we need. This way we’re doing something very unusual for a private healthcare recruitment agency by putting our money where our mouth is to give young people an opportunity to prove themselves, rather than simply complaining about a lack of staff.
What’s the best part of your day?
I absolutely love networking, making new contacts and taking ideas from a conversation to a working operational model. Anything which involves talking tends to be a winner. Also love a bit of planning and always start & finish my week with it.
What’s the worst?
Waking up on a Friday and thinking it’s Saturday.
What makes you proud to work at H1?
A great number of things. The enthusiasm, collegiate spirit and sheer volume of complimentary talent is incredible. Just a great bunch all round. The main reason I joined though is the willingness to take a blank piece of paper, and to be prepared to take calculated risks.
If you had to summarise H1 in 3 words what would they be? Noisy, enthusiastic, talented.
If you'd like to get in touch with Nick to discuss H1 Learning's services, you can reach him here: nick.thow@h1learning.com or visit our website form more information.